WCRA Novice TSD #1
Chilliwack, BC (WCRA)
Apr 12, 2003

6th of 15 starters (412 pts)
Skye and Angelika's first TSD event went very well thanks to the excellent work
by the WCRA organizers. After Skye's early morning recap of the Tuesday
workshop (he couldn't make it up from Seattle on a weeknight) with John and
Peter over White Spot breakfast, we headed to the parking lot and after going
through registration and tech inspection, we got the route book and quickly got
to work trying to sort out what to do first.
It was a bit nervy at first but we were soon lined up at the Esso in Chilliwack
ready to start the first transit and odo check. We never did quite get the
hang of the odo check and not knowing what was going to be important in the
"heat of the moment" managed to get a bit lost on the first regularity, scoring
a dismal 213 penalty points. From that we learned that knowing the distance
between notes was important (or having the odo corretion factor done so you can
read off the total distance) - there may be multiple "50 kph" signs followed by
turnoffs and you need to know WHICH one! Having a car with mph gauges made
life a little trickier as well.
After finally making it to the start of Stage 2, we regrouped and finished the
calculations much quicker. Stage 2 was the first gravel stage in the hills
behind Chilliwack and the rain had started. The stage was largely uphill which
put the borrowed automatic transmission, low powered car at a bit of a
disadvantage, but we actually scored our best times of the day, with only 59
penalty points for the stage. Our times stayed around that score for the
remaining stages, scoring 73 and 67 on stages 3 and 4 respectively. On the
last two stages, we were a bit concerned because both times we caught up to the
back of car #8 (and we forgot the speed change midway on the last stage!!) but
the results show that our calculations were the (more) correct ones; they
scored over double our penalties on those stages. It's strange not really
knowing how you are doing until the end of the event though!
The event finished up in the early evening, and we were both pumped on
adrenaline and very happy with the progress we had made. Even though we
finished just above the middle of the pack (6th out of 15 starters), our
improvement along the way makes us very hopeful that our lessons learned during
and after the event will result in some single-digit stage results on the
next TSD!